WILD HOME DREAMERS: Skiing in Bulgaria: the beginning

Skiing in Bulgaria: the beginning

5:38:00 PM

Skiing in Bulgaria: the beginning
Post by Niki

Well this is a tradition. I remember before taking me to the mountain my father first brought me to the little hills next to our suburban neighborhood. I never went to a ski school and until maybe 15 or 16 my father was the only one who showed my sister and me what skiing was. We were skiing those crazy long straight skis and it was an unbelievable fun. I was always “in” the snow while my sister was not so much into it. When I went to the high school I don’t know how but my eyes got onto some freestyle ski movies, and this is all I wanted to do. I and did haha. I’ve just missed one little detail - before building jumps it is very useful to know how to ski really WELL.  But at the time I was not patient enough.  So it took me a lot of time and troubles to grow up a bit… 


The beginning: we were just few friends from school who loved skiing and were strange enough to go build jumps in the school yard, trying to grind the student’s desks and all kind of creepy stuff like this. Of course we were just boys. When we were not trying to break our bones with skis on our legs we were doing all kind of strange stuff around the place. I had I few bad injuries but at the same I am still here and it’s all good...

Actually the more time I spend skiing the more awesome people I meet. I started skiing with the best here and it must have been fun to watch: me crashing around them while trying crazy stuff. Nowadays I’m appreciating skiing on a little bit more mature way:  skiing around with my friends, enjoying the beautiful mountains and looking for things to jump from. Last year Bianka got a snowboard as a Christmas present and now she is “please, let’s go snowboarding” all the time. Soon I’ll write some stories about skiing in the city and in different mountains in Bulgaria and Europe.I have a lot of people to thank to and I'll do it in another post. Skiing has really changed my life and brought me to a better place, I even think it's most probably the reason why I started surfing at first place...

pic by my friend Borislav Stefanov

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