Ok, last week was a bit hard to handle… lots and lots of rain and onshore wind. However we had much more fun those last days. Although it all started with one pretty ruff night …

We started circling around, searching for some helpful
materials and eventually followed some suspicious noise coming from the woods… we found a group of French hunters preparing
for their morning session :D We asked them for help and they pulled us out with
a TOYOTA full of hunting dogs and guns.. Lucky chance for us, but not for the
small rabbits we saw on the road…
The day
continued to be lucky, we went directly to La Graviere, famous spot to all the
surfers, waves were a bit small but still the dying swell gave some perfect
mini tubes!
And the
beach was beautiful, sunny and bright… We took some photos – everything looked
like a postcard!
Photographers were
everywhere on the beach, capturing Niki between other surfers… and not only… :D
The charming streets of the town were just another bonus: